Krzysztof Gliszczyński born in Miastko in 1962. Graduated from the Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts in 1987 in the studio of Prof. Kazimierz Ostrowski. Between 1995 and 2002 founder and co-manager of Koło Gallery in Gdańsk. lnitiator of the Kazimierz Ostrowski Award, con-ferred by the Union of Polish Artists and Designers (ZPAP), Gdańsk Chapter. Dean of the Painting Faculty of the Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts in the years 2008-2012. Vice Rector for Development and Cooperation of the Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts in the years 2012-2016. Obtained a professorship in 2011. Currently head of the Third Painting Studio of the Painting Faculty of the Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts. He has taken part in a few dozen exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Active in the field of painting, drawing, objects, and video.
Solo Exhibitions:
1985 - painting, the Wlot Gallery, Gdańsk;
1986 - ‘’Notes of One Eveninig”, drawings, the Wlot Gallery, Gdańsk;
1986 - ‘’An Attempt of the Reconstruction” - painting, the Brama Gallery, Warsaw;
1988 -’’ Sephirot” - drawings, the Gallery of the Authors Kaja and Soliński, Bydgoszcz;
1989 - painting, the Arche Gallery, Gdańsk;
1990 - ‘’Creatio Continua” - painting, the Arche Gallery, Gdańsk;
1991 - ‘’Creatio Continua’’- painting, the Galerie Kamila Regent Contemporain, Brussels;
- painting, the Pro Arte Sacra Foundation, St. Bartholomew’s Church, Gdańsk;
1993 - painting, the Fos Gallery, Gdańsk;
1994 - painting, the Kameralna BWA Gallery, Słupsk;
- ‘’The Dialogue with the Absent One”, the Promotion Gallery of the National Museum, the Abbot’s Palace, Gdańsk-Oliwa;
1996 - painting, the Arsenał Gallery, BWA Poznań; - painting, the Koło Gallery, Gdańsk;
1997 - painting, the Trystero Gallery, Szczecin;
2000 - painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Gdańsk;
2001 - painting, the Gallery 261, Academy of Fine Arts , Łódź;
-”Caput Mortuum”, painting & objects, the Otwarta Pracownia Gallery, Kraków;
2002 - painting, the Milano Gallery, Warsaw;
- ‘’Three Spaces”, the Koło Gallery, Gdańsk;
- ‘’Residuum”, painting, objects, the Arsenał Gallery, BWA Poznań;
2003 - ‘’Residuum’’, painting, objects, the National Museum, Abbot’s Palace, Oliwa;
2004 - ‘’Materia Prima’’, painting, the Milano Gallery, Warsaw;
- ‘’Three Spaces”, painting, the Baltic Contemporary Art Gallery, Słupsk;
2006 - ‘’Looking at Grey”, painting & Urns, the Promocyjna Gallery, Warsaw;
2007 – „A retour Self Portrait”. Urns and Synergic pictures, Laznia Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk;
- painting, the Wozownia Gallery, Toruń;
2008 - „A retour Self –Portrait’’. Urns and Synergic pictures. The Arsenal Gallery, Poznań
- Andras Gal & Krzysztof Gliszczynski”, the Paltan Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
-„Fullness. Point and Line to Plane”. Synergic pictures, objetcts and video, the Milano Gallery, Warsaw;
- „Remains”- drawings, objects, the Pyramida Center for Contemporary Art, Haifa, Israel
2010 -„Objects,video”- theGalleryFoundation of Atelier,Warsaw,Poland
2011 – De-,Re-, construction of painting, painting, drawing,objects, the State Gallery of Art, Sopot, Poland
2013 – „Iosis et leucosis that is reddening and whitening”, painting, drawing, objects, the BWA Gallery
- Questions of Art: individual exhibition in the Tadeusz Kulisiewicz Center of Drawing Kalisz
2014 - Show of works, painting, video, objects, Gallery Milano, Warszawa
- „Iosis et leucosis”, painting, video, Gallery Aula, Universitet of Art, Poznań
2015 - „ Imprinted Memory”, painting, objects, Refektarz Gallery, Kartuzy
2016 - „SYNthesis&enERGY”, pictures, residua of painting and video, Wozownia Art Gallery, Toruń
2018 - „Geometrica de physiologiam pictura”, painting, object, wideo, State Gallery of Art. in Sopot
- Painting and objects, Grodno Exhibition Hall, Grodno, Belarus;
- 31m2 - art. book, Jana Tarasin Gallery of Art, Kalisz, Poland;
Group Exhibitions;
1984 - Student’s painting exhibition, opening the Wlot Gallery, Gdańsk;
1985 - Students Drawing Biennial, Katowice;
1986 - International Drawing Exhibition, the Museum of Modern Art, Rijeka (Yugoslavia);
1988 -The Diploma ‘87’’, Zachęta, Warsaw, - International Drawing Exhibition, Zagreb, (Yugoslavia);
- Polish Impressions”, the Municipal Museum, Góttingen, Germany,
- ‘’Vision and Reality’’, Polish Contemporary Art, Munich, (Germany);
1989 - Drawings, the studio Show, the Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw;
1990 - „Pologne ’90’’, the Municipal Museum, Brussels (Belgium);
- The Artists Gallery, the Kamila Regent Contemporain, Brussels (Belgium);
1991 - „Tendency ‘90” critic and art, symposium & exhibition, the Baltic Art Gallery, Ustka, BWA Słupsk;
- Lineart, Art Fair, Ghent (Belgium);
1992 - the Grantees of Atelierhaus Worpswede, Galerie Alte Rathaus, Worpswede, (Germany);
- Lineart, Art Fair, Ghent (Belgium);
-”Between Light and Mystery”, House of Five New Countries, Brussels (Belgium);
1993 - ‘’Inside – Outside”, Technical University in Gdańsk;
-„Bielska Autumn ‘92”, BWA Bielsko-Biała, Szczecin, Wałbrzych, Bydgoszcz;
1994 - „Seven Words of Christ” – painting, installations, the Pro Arte Sacra Foundation, Gdańsk;
„The Bible in the Contemporary Polish Painting”, the National Museum, the Abbots’ Palace, Oliwa;
‘’Dialogues of Forms”, the Arche Gallery, Gdańsk;
1995 - „Bielska Autumn ‘94”, BWA Gallery Bielsko-Biała, Olsztyn, Słupsk;
„Lineart”, Art Fair, Ghent (Belgium);
1996 - „50 years of State Academy of Visual Arts”, Wielka Zbrojownia, Gdańsk;
- „Anex x 5”, Kameralna Gallery, BWA Słupsk;
- XVI Festival of Contemporary Polish Painting, Castle of Pomeranian Princes, Szczecin; - „33 + 3’’, the National Museum, the Abbots’ Palace, Oliwa;
- „Picture ‘96”, the Stara Kordegarda Gallery, Warszawa;
-„Artist of the Kolo Gallery”, the Koło Gallery, Gdańsk;
1997 - „Picture ‘96”, painting exhibition, the Piast Gallery, Tokyo (Japan);
- „Borders of Painting ‘’ - Polish Painting in the 90’s, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw;
- „Warsaw Month of Painting”, Galeria na Mazowieckiej, ZPAP, Warszawa;
- „Artist of the Koło Gallery’’, the Koło Gallery, Gdańsk;
- „Pro Baltica ‘97”, the National Gallery, Toruń;
- „Fünf position im Kontext’’, Städtische Galerie im Buntentor, Bremen (Germany);
1998 - „ From Conception to Picture”, the Koło Gallery, Gdańsk; -”Kunst – Wirkt – Raum” , Recklinghausen (Germany);
Ujazdowski Castle,
1999 - „Polish Analitical Abstraction II’’, the Awangarda Gallery, BWA Wrocław;
- ”Spektrum”, Museum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg (Germany);
- „The same=not the same’’, the Gasworks Gallery, London,
- „Spektrum”, the exhibition and symposium, the National Museum, Abbot’s Palace, Gdańsk-Oliwa; -”Artists of the Koło Gallery’’, the Prowincjonalna Gallery, Słubice;
- „Painting” , the Bałtycka Galeria Sztuki, BWA Ustka;
- „Bielska Autumn ‘99”, Galeria BWA, Bielsko-Biała;
2000 - „Bielska Autumn ‘99”, the Kameralna Gallery, BGSW Słupsk, the Wieża Ciśnień Gallery Konin, the BWA
Gallery Bydgoszcz, the BWA Gallery Zielona Góra;
-”12 pictures”, the Koło Gallery, Gdańsk;
-”Vier Polnische Jünge Künstler” , Ateleirhaus Friesenstrasse, Bremen (Germany);
- „Forum of Galleries and other places of Art”, Łaźnia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk,
2001 -”Three Colors”, the State Gallery of Modern Art, Sopot;
-”Polish Contemporary Art”, Alten Havenspeicher, Bremen-Vegesack (Germany);
- „European Perspectives’’, the International Art fair, Innsbruck (Austria);
2002 - „Inspection of the Scene. Generations. Arts of the Gdańsk Coast, Here and Now’’, Gdańsk;
- „Shanghai in the Eye of World Artist’’, Museum of Art, Shanghai (China);
2003 - „Everyday Spaces”, art from Gdańsk, Städtische Galerie im Buntentor, Bremen (Germany); - ‘’Sztuka beze
mnie nie ma sensu”, Gallery Stara Winiarnia, Zielona Góra;
- Sacrum Triennal of Art, ‘’Towards the Civilistaion of Live”, the Municipal Gallery, Częstochowa;
2004 - Sacrum Triennal of Art, ‘’Towards the Civilisation of Live”, the State Gallery of Art, Sopot; the Center of Art
EL, Elbląg; the Gallery of Art, Legnica, Wałbrzych;
2005 - ‘’Gdańsk in Wrocław” , artist from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Wrocław, Poland;
-”25 years of Solidarność’’, National Museum, Gdańsk;
-”60 years of Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk”, National Museum in Gdańsk; -”Absolwent’’, the Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdańsk;
2006 -”Gdańsk in Poznań”, artist from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk in the gallery Stary Browar in Poznań;
2007 – painting, artist of the gallery, Milano Gallery, Warszawa;
2009 -IVtheInternationalDrawingCompetition,Wrocław 30X30, 20 yeras of Milano Gallery, Warszawa
- Painting is OKEY, Foyer Baltic Oper, Gdańsk
2010 - XXIII Festival of Contemporary Polish Painting, Szczecin
- IV the International of Drawing Competition, the exhibition in the gallery BWA, Wałbrzych
- IV the International of Drawing Competition, the exhibition in the gallery Wozownia in Toruń - „From Gdansk to Istanbul” - Marmara University Cumhuriyet Museum, Sultanahmet, Istambuł, Turcja 2011 – „Symmetry and Asymmetry”, , Łódź, Szczecin, Koszalin, Gallery ASP in Gdańsk
- Students and Teachers, the exhibition at the Faculty of Art , Radom
- „New Tendencies in Polish Painting 2”, the Municipal Gallery BWA, Bydgoszcz 2012 - „Around the picture” , the gallery EL, Elbląg
2013 – 5 Art & Documentation Festival, Art-Object-Registration exhibition, Łodź
- „Biographies of Things”, Museum History of Polish Jews, Warszawa
2014 - „1990” the exhibition of six artists who debuted around 1990, the Municipal Gallery in Wrocław
- The Biennale of Art, Gdańsk City Gallery
2015 - „North-South”, Faculty of Painting Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk & Faculty of Art teh Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, the Wilson Shaft Gallery, Katowice
- „Metaphor and Reality” Exhibition on the occasion of the 70 th anniversary of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, the Armoury of Art Gdańsk
2016 - the II Triennale of Pomeranian Art, Sopot, Poland
- Illegibility. The contexts of script. Art Stations Gallery, Poznań, Museum of Pan Tadeusz, Wrocław, Poland;
- Exporting Zagreb, National Museum, Gdańsk
- Summer Jam 2015 , Gallery of Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków - The 4th Biennale of Art, Gdańsk City Gallery
- „Fête Funèbre”, Zbrojownia Sztuki, ASP, Gdańsk 2017 - #Library, Center of Culture, Zamek, Poznań;
- Islands and Atolls: The mapping of Imagination and the cartopgraphic impulse. Wozownia Gallery, Toruń;
- What about abstraction, The contemporary art from Poland, The Gierowski Foundation, Warszawa;
- Khôra, From Gdansk to Vilnus, The Academy of Fine Arts, Vilnus;
2018 - Exhibition: “Labirynt”. Works from the collection of the Centre for Contemporary Art “Znaki Czasu” in Toruń, Kulturpark, Košice, Slovakia;
2019 - “30 lat Galerii Milano”, exhibition of the works of artists connected with the gallery, “Milano” Gallery;
- A-21 International Art Exhibition”, “Klub 13 Muz”, Szczecin;
- “Bieguny. Wiatr od morza 4, ], Feininger Gallery, Trzebiatowski Dom Kultury, Trzebiatów;;
-“Ex Machina”, Athens School of Art, Athens, Greece;
-“My name is Red”, State Art Gallery in Sopot;
“Łaźnia” Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk;
-“ Black Pictures from the Times of the Pestilence and the Times of Pestilence”
, international exhibition of paintings 20 × 20 cm from private collections, MCK Art Salon, Ciechocinek;
-“Transformation. From Bucharest to Gdańsk / From Gdańsk to Bucharest”, Armoury of Art, Gdańsk; National Museum of Fine Arts in Bucharest;
-“INTERNATIONAL ART EXHIBITION A-21, Art Pozy Pandemics”, Kobe Municipal Mori Harada Museum, Kobe, Japan; -“Inside”, “Kierat 1” ZPAP Gallery, Szczecin;
„Painting about painting”, “Szewska 16” Gallery, Poznań;
Awards and scholarships:
1988 - Scholarschip of Ministry of Culture and Art
1990 - Scholarschip of Ministry of Culture and Art
1992 - Art Residency at Atelierhaus Worpswede (Grant from the DAAD and the Goverment of Lower Saxony). 1994 - Distinction in the All-Polish Painting Competition “Bielska Jesień”, Bielsko Biała
1996 - The Ziemowit Szuman award of the Mayor of Szczecin - XVI Festival of Polish Contemporary Painting in
2000 - Grant from the Pollock- Krasner Foundation Inc., New York, USA
- The 1st Degree Award of the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk for outstanding artistic and
teaching achievements
2002 - Art Residency at Shanghai “ Shanghai in the Eye of World Artist”, China
- The 2st Degree Award of the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk - Creative Grant from the Civil Marshall of the Pomeranian Province
- Art Grant from the City of Gdańsk.
2005 - Artist in residence. Association d’art. Chambre de sejour avec vue...Saignon. France
2007 - Lectures at the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, Italy
2008 - Artist in Residence, Pyramida Center for Contemporary Art., Hajfa, Izrael
2012 - The 2st Degree Award of the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
2014 - 1st degree award of the Rector of the AFA in Gdańsk for building the image of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
2015 -receivestheDecorationofHonour“MeritoriousforPolishCulture”fromtheMinisterofCultureand National Heritage
2016 -WinnerinthecategoryPaintingtheIITriennaleofPomeranianArt
2017 - receives the Artistic Scholarship of the President of Sopot, the Award of the President of Gdańsk in the field of culture, and a 2nd degree Award of the Rector of the AFA in Gdańsk for artistic and scientific work
2020 - Scholarship of the Marshall of the Pomerania Province
2020 - Scholarship of the ZAIKS Creators’ Support Fund
The artist’s works are in the collections of:
“Atelier” Foundation in Warsaw,
New Museum of Art “Nomus” in Gdańsk,
Regional Museum in Toruń,
Society of Friends of the National Museum in Szczecin (deposit in the National Museum in Szczecin), Shanghai city (China),
Collection of the Warmia and Mazury Society of Fine Arts in Olsztyn,
Miyauchi Japanese-Polish Foundation in Tokyo (Japan),
“Znaki Czasu” Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń,
State Gallery of Art in Sopot,
Association d’art contemporain in Saignon (France),
as well as in private collections in Poland and abroad. In 1989-94 he collaborated with the Kamila Regent Contemporain gallery in Brussels.
The artist's work is analyzed in many scientific studies:
Zofia Watrak. Choices and silences. From the Sopot school to the new Gdańsk school. Word / Image Publishing House, Gdańsk, 2001;
Dictionary of Polish Painters. From the interwar period to the end of the 20th century. Volume 2. Arkady Publishing House, (PL) 2001;
Renata Rogozińska, "Icon in 20th century art", WAM Publishing House, Kraków 2009, pp. 240-242
Urszula Szulakowska. Alchemy in Contemporary Art. Farnham (GB)2011;
Great Lexikon of Polish Painting, Kluszczyński Publishing House, (PL) 2011;
Lexikon Saur Allgemeine Kűnstlerlexikon, Band 56, K.G. Saur, Műnchen-Leipzig (DE) 2007 includes an entry about the artist work (pp.175-176);
Marta Smolińska. Extended hapticity: the sense of touch in Polish art of the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Universitas Publishing House, Kraków, (PL) 2021 (pp. 146-152)
Spotkania w pracowni. Krzysztof Gliszczyński, screenplay and direction by Hanna Kordalska-Rosiek, produced by TVP Gdańsk [ (access: 15.10.2020)].