Julita Malinowska lives and works in Krakow/ Poland.
Born in Otwock in 1979. Studied in the Art Department of the University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin from 1999-2000, and then from 2000-2005 in the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Received a Sokrates/Erasmus scholarship in 2003 for Wolverhampton University in Great Britain. Graduated (MA degree) from the Painting Department in 2005 with distinction. From 2008 till 2011 made doctoral studies (PhD degree) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Defended PhD degree in December 2012.
VI.2006 City of Cracow Creative Scholarship
III.2005 Second Prize at The Samsung Art Master Paintings Contest “The True Colours”
II-III.2008 Artist in Residence, Tammisaari, Finland
Art Fairs:
X.2015 13th Warsow Art Fair, Zamek Królewski, Warsaw, Poland
VI. 2015 Art Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
X.2014 13th Warsow Art Fair, Zamek Królewski, Warsaw, Poland
XII. 2013 "RING 2" Art Fair, Muzeum Współczesne, Breslau, Poland
X. 2013 11th Warsow Art Fair, Zamek Królewski, Warsaw, Poland
VI.2013 SCOPE Basel, Basel, Switzerland
XI.2012 Contemporary Art Fair Kunst 12 Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
IX.2012 BAAF, Brussels Accessible Art Fair, Hotel Conrad, Bruksela, Belgium
IX.2012 Art Fair in Krakow, Fairs Building, Krakow, Poland
III.2012 AAAF, Antwerp Accessible Art Fair, Hotel Radisson, Antverp, Belgium
II.2012 Parallax Art Fair, Chalsea Town Hall, London, United Kingdom
X.2011 BAAF, Brussels Accessible Art Fair, Hotel Conrad, Bruksela, Belgium
XII.2010 8th Warsow Art Fair, Zamek Królewski, Warsaw, Poland
XI.2010 Artevent Antverp Expo, 9th Art Fair, Expo, Antverp, Belgium
XI.2010 Accessible Art. Fair, Conrad Hotel, Brussels, Belgium
XII.2009 7th Warsow Art Fair, Zamek Królewski, Warsaw, Poland
XII.2008 6th Warsow Art Fair, Hotel Europejski, Warsaw, Poland
XI.2008 Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam, Holland
X.2008 Affordable Art Fair London, Great Britain
VI.2008 Affordable Art Fair New York, United States
II.2008 20/21st International Art Fair, Royal College of Art, London, Great Britain
XII.2007 5th Warsow Art Fair, Hotel Europejski, Warsaw, Poland
X.2007 Affordable Art Fair London, Great Britain
VI.2007 Affordable Art Fair New York, United States
IX/X.2005 Preview Berlin – The Emerging Art Fair, Germany
VIII.2005 Art Expo, Seoul, Korea
VI.2005 VII National Antique and Contemporary Art Fair, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, Poland
Solo exhibitions:
XII.2015- II.2016 Dream, Galeria 58, Radom, Poland
XI-XII.2015 First love, Stalowa Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
X.2015 Hot moments, NIZO Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
VII. 2015 Julita's Beach, Antidote Art Gallery, Majorca, Spain
VI- VII.2015 Julita Malinowska, Galeria Sztuki Sceny Plastycznej KUL, Lublin, Poland
IV- V. 2014 Julita Malinowska, Galerie Alex Schlesinger, Switzerland
II -VII. 2014 "Perfect girl", AYO Gallery, Katowice
XII.2013 "Lovers meeting", Galeria Van Den Berg, Warsaw, Poland
IX-X.2013 "Summertime sadness", Arttrakt Gallery, Breslau, Poland
IX-X.2013 "Girls on the beach", Stalowa Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
VI-IX.2013 "At the sea-side II", Sandhofer Gallery, Sazburg, Austria
V-VI.2013 "The Last Jodgement", BWA, Sandomierz, Poland
XI.2012 "The power of gestures", Attis Gallery, Krakow, Poland
VI-IX.2012 „On the beach and beyond”, galerie place-a-elles, Paris, France
VI.2012 „Człowiek na brzegu”, Pryzmat Gallery, Krakow, Poland
IV.2012 „Delights”, Promocyjna Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
X-XII.20011 “Painting”, Centrum Sztuki Galeria EL, Elbląg, Poland
I-II.2011 “Paintings”, Galeria Miejska, Biała Podlaska, Poland
I-III.2011 „At the sea-side”, Sandhofer Gallery, Innsbruck, Austria
XI-XII.2010 „Maya naked, Maya dressed”, Gallery of C.K. Norwid Center, Krakow, Poland
X.2010 „The Painting bathing”, „Od czasu do czasu” Gallery, Gdynia, Poland
VI-VII.2009 „Paintings”, Artde.lu, Barcelona, Spain
V-VI.2009 „Paintings”, „Halo!gen”, Stara Fabryka Drutu, Gliwice, Poland
II-IV.2009 “Paintings”, Pienkow Gallery, Knoxville, United States
II-III.2009 “Paintings& drawings”, Ardizon Gallery, Bregenz, Austria
IX.2008 “Gestures”, Galeria Lamelii, Krakow, Poland
VIII/IX.2008 “Anga, Banga and Kalinga”, Gallery BB, Breslau, Poland
IV-IX.2008 “Holiday of idylness”, Atrybut Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
III/IV.2008 “Paintings”, Salon Sztuki 49, Warsaw, Poland
III.2008 “Paintings & Drawings”, Ekenas, Finland
IX.2006 “Paintings”, BWA, Sieradz, Poland
VIII.2006 “Paintings”, Nowa Gallery, Poznań, Poland
VI.2006 “Paintings”, Gallery of Katarzyna Napiórkowska, Warsaw, Poland
V.2005 “Paintings”, PWST, Krakow, Poland
VIII.2005 “Paintings”, Młynek, Krakow, Poland
VII.2002 “Landscapes”, MDK, Józefów, Poland
IV.2000 “Drawings”, “Chatka Żaka”, Lublin, Poland
Group exhibitions:
IX.2016 Warschau ist Feminin, Galerie Neukollner Leuchtturm, Berlin, Germany
IX.2016 Aukcja Sztuki Nowej, DESA Unicum, Warsaw, Poland
IV. 2016 Aukcja Sztuki Nowej, DESA Unicum, Warsaw, Poland
XII. 2015 Malarki/Women painter, Galeria Biała, Lublin, Poland
X. 2015 Aukcja Sztuki Nowej, DESA Unicum, Warsaw, Poland
V-IX. 2015 Summer show, Stalowa Gallery, Zamość, Poland
VI-VII.2015 Summer show, Arttrakt Gallery, Breslau, Poland
VI. 2015 "The sea and the master", Kapitańska Gallery, Szczecin, Poland
IV. 2015 Aukcja Sztuki Nowej, DESA Unicum, Warsaw, Poland
II- IV.2015 "3 Jovenes pintores polacos", La Xina A.R.T., Barcelona, Spain
III.2015 "8 women", Konduktorownia, Częstochowa, Poland
XII.2014- I.2015 Winter show, Stalowa Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
XII. 2014 „Our portraits”, Marek Maria Pieńkowski Foundation, Pieńków, Poland
XI. 2014 Kompas Młodej Sztuki 2014, Olympic center, Warsaw, Poland
XI. 2014 Aukcja Wielkiego Serca , Centrum Manggha, Krakow, Poland
IX. 2014 "Blickwechsel", Villa Irmgart, Heringsdorf, Niemcy
VII.2014 Summer show, Arttrakt Gallery, Breslau, Poland
VII. 2014 "On the beach and in a big city", Stalowa Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
VII.2014 "The sea and the master", Kapitańska Gallery , Szczecin, Poland
XII.2013-II.2014 "Break into art", Galeria Arttrakt, Breslau, Poland
XII.2013-I.2014 "Warsaw salon", Galeria Stalowa, Warsaw, Poland
IX.2013 "9. Kaiserbader Pleinair", Kommunale Galerie, Berlin, Germany
VIII.2013 "The sea and the master", Kapitańska Gallery , Sopot, Poland
VII-VIII.2013 "7 Malen am Meer", Galerie Rose, Hamburg, Germany
VII-IX.2013 "Salon letni", Stalowa Gallery , Warsaw, Poland
V-VII.2013 "7x7", Heringsdorf, Germany
XII.2012 Drogi Twórcze, Galeria Sztuki, Legnica, Poland
XII.2012 Kompas Młodej Sztuki, Centrum Olimpijskie, Warsaw, Poland
XI.2012 Aukcja Wielkiego Serca, Centrum Manggha, Krakow, Poland
X-XI.2012 "Aufgeffallen- Drei neue Positionen", Max Diel (Berlin), Julita Malinowska (Krakow), Valentin van der Meulen (Paris),Galerie Alex Schlesinger, Zurich, Switzerland
IV.2012 „Made in Poland”, Rapperswil Castle, Switzerland
III.2012 „The most outstanding young painter of first decade of 21st century”,
Academy of Fine Art in Wroclaw, Poland
III.2012 „Art's Delicatessen ~ Maleriutstilling”, Gallery Vepsebolet, Oslo, Norway
II-III.2012 „Made in Poland”, University Library in Bielefeld, Germany
I.2012 „Made in Poland”, Museum Schwarzes Ross, Hilpoltstein, Germany
X.2011 10th Auction „Wielkie Serce, Manggha Center”, Krakow, Poland
X.2011 „5 MIEJSC”, Gallery EXPE, Bielsko- Biała, Poland
X.2011 „Przedmieścia”, Gallery Solvay and Galeria Malarstwa ASP, Krakow, Poland
X.2011 „Made in Poland”, City Tower, Norymberga, Germany
IX-X.2011 „The most out standing young painter of first decade of XXI century”,
exhibition of 10 finalists of competition, Gallery Pieńków, Lipinki, Poland
IX.2011 „Imaginary Landscapes”, Chateau de Stockalper, Brig, Switzerland
IX.2011 „ZPAP 1911-2011”, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, Poland
IX.2011 „5 MIEJSC”, Gallery ON, Poznań, Poland
VIII.2011 „Made in Poland”, Gallery Beletage, Berlin, Germany
VIII.2011 „Suburbs”, Gallery Alte Schiebekammer, Wiedeń, Austria
V-VI.2011 „5 miejsc”, Galeria PWW, Zielona Góra, Poland
V.2011 „meta-”, Gallery Cellar, Krakow, Poland
V.2011 “Suburbs”, Galeria Miejska, Ostrava, Czech Republic
V.2011 „5 miejsc”, Galeria Łaźnia, Radom, Poland
IV.2011 “Black on white”, Galeria Miejska, Zakopane, Krakow, Poland
III-IV.2011 “5 places”, Galeria Miejska, Katowice, Poland
II-III.2011 “Gender play gender”, three-artist exhibition, Strefa A Gallery, Kracow, Poland
II- III.2011 “Zbiory rozłączne”, two-artist exhibition, Julita Malinowska& Aleksander
Laszenko, Galeria Miejska, Gliwice, Poland
I.2011 „The touch”, Bochenska Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
XII.2010 „Painted in Cracow”, Lipsk, Germany
X.2010 „Eastern girls”, Ambassy of Lithuania, Warsaw, Poland
X-XI.2010 „Painted in Cracow”, Bad Reichenhall, Germany
X.2010 „The dimensions of freedom”, Ostrava, Czech Republic
IX-X.2010 „Painted in Cracow”, Gallery Beletage, Berlin, Germany
VIII.2010 “MADE IN POLAND“, Ardizon Gallery, Wien, Austria
VII.2010 „A może morze”, „Od czasu do czasu” Gallery, Gdynia, Poland
VII.2010 „Eastern girls”, „Meno parkas” Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania
VII- IX.2010 „Painted in Cracow”, City Tower, Nuremberg, Germany
V.2010 “Gender play gender”, two-artist exhibition, Julita Malinowska & Justyna
Kabala, Kameralna Gallery, Slupsk, Poland
V.2010 “The dimensions of freedom”, Mazowieckie Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej
“Elektrownia”, Radom, Poland
V.2010 “Three places”, De facto Gallery & Eksperymentalna Gallery, Bielsko-Biała,
II.2010 „A4”, Gallery of Miejska Biblioteka, Radom, Poland
I- II. 2010 „The dimensions of freedom”, ASP Gallery, Krakow, Poland
XI.2009 „Salon Malarstwa”, Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury, Krakow, Poland
XI.2009 Exhibition of „Aukcja Wielkiego Serca”, Muzeum Historyczne
Miasta Krakowa , Palace of Krzysztofory, Krakow, Poland
XI.2009 ORIENTATION, Kunstlerforum, Bonn, Germany
VII.2009 SLOT Art Festival, Lubiąż, Poland
VII.2009 „Dimentions of freedom”, Castle of Łęczyca, Poland
VI.2009 „Stone and water”, Gallery of Wojewódzka Biblioteka, Krakow, Poland
VI.2009 Exhibition of PhD students of Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Gallery of
Wojewódzka Biblioteka, Krakow, Poland
III.2009 „World of imagination”, APW Gallery, New York, United States
II.2009 Exhibition of Prof. Jacek Waltoś, Muzeum Regionalne, Pod-nad Gallery,
Tarnowskie Góry, Poland
II.2009 Best graphics of the Year 2008, Academy of Fine Art in Łódź and Krakow,
I.2009 “Small forms”, Rostworowski Gallery, Krakow, Poland
XII.2008 BLOOM!Project, Brussels, Belgium
XI.2008 Aukcja Wielkiego Serca, Manggha Center, Krakow, Poland
XI.2008 Artbay Prestige, Hotel Rubinstain, Krakow, Poland
XI.2008 SEECEE, Wien, Austria
XI.2008 „CHASE”, Royal College of Art, Londyn, Great Britain
VIII.2008 XII International Art Conference Highland, Budapest, Hungary
VIII.2008 Biennal “Rybie Oko 5” in Warsow, Klima Bocheńska Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
VI.2008 “Pamiętniki pokolenia tamagotchi”, Klima Bocheńska Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
VI.2008 “Salon Malarstwa i Rzeźby Kraków 2008”, NCK, Krakow, Poland
V.2008 Biennal of Young Art “Rybie Oko 5”, Bałtycka Galeria Sztuki, Ustka, Poland
III-V.2008 Triennale of Polish Paniting “Jesienne Konfrontacje- Rzeszów 2007”, Umelcov
Spisa Gallery, Spiska Nova Vsi, Slovakia
XII.2007 “Available Art”, Freiraum/quartier21, Museumsquartier Wien, Austria
XII.2007 “Engel, Engel...”, Kulturzentrum im Krakauer Haus, Norymberga, Germany
XII.2007 I International Biennal of Painting “QUADRO- ART 2007“, The Historical
Museum of the City of Łódź (The Poznański Palace), Poland
XI-XII.2007 “Biennal of Polish Paniting”, The Gallery of Art in Częstochowa, Poland
X.2007 “Triennal of Polish Painting”, BWA Gallery, Rzeszów, Poland
IX.2007 “Painting from Poland”, Ashia Daimaru and Suma Daimaru, Japan
II-III.2007 “Angels”, Domoteka, Warsaw, Poland
II/III.2007 “Pieńków 2006”, Ukrsotsbank, Lviv, Ukraine
XII.2006 Exhibition of nominati to Franciszka Eibisch Foundation Award,
Gallery of Katarzyna Napiórkowska, Warsaw, Poland
XII.2006 Members of 5. International Art Workshops in Pieńków,
ASP Gallery, Krakow, Poland
XI.2006-I.2007 “Angels”, Marienlyst Slot Museum, Helsingor, Denmark
X- XI.2006 16. National Paintings Preview “Promocje”, Art Gallery, Legnica, Poland
VI. 2006 “Royal PL”, the british and polish exhibition, the castle of Wiśnicz, Poland
IV-VI.2006 “Kunstakademie Krakau“, Kunststation Kleinsassen, Germany
IX/X.2005 Preview Berlin- The Emerging Art Fair, Germany
XI-XII.2005 37. Paintings Biennal “Bielska Jesień”, Bielska Gallery BWA, Bielsko- Biała,
X.2005 (re)presentation of the young art from Krakow, Lelien, Quebek, Kanada
X.2005 V Supermarket Sztuki/ I European Biennal of The Young Art, The Klima
Bocheńska Gallery, Warso\aw, Poland
IX.2005 “The young members of ZPAP”, Pryzmat Gallery, Krakow, Poland
VIII.2005 Art Expo, Seul, Korea
VII.2005 “Available Art”, The Camelot Gallery, Krakow, Poland
VI.2005 The Contemporary Art Fairs, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, Poland
V.2005 “Samsung Art Master”, Stara Pomarańczarnia, Łazienki Królewskie, Warsaw,
V.2005 “Integralia Krakow-Warsaw”, Pryzmat Gallery, Krakow, Poland
IV.2005 “Pawilon Spokojnej Formy”, Centrala, Lublin, Poland
IV-V.2005 “Bez problemu” (No problem), Otwarta Pracownia, Krakow, Poland
XI-XII.2004 “Lviv”, the polish and ukrainian workshops and exhibition,
The Polish Year in Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine
V.2004 “Marzenia i konflikty”(The Dreams and The Conflicts), The Factory of
Schindler, Krakow, Poland
V.2000 The Graphic Art Exhibition, The Studio Gallery, Lublin, Poland